Procedures of the ALBA Alumni Association:

The ALBA Alumni Association is managed by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Auditing Committee and the Disciplinary Board.

General Assembly of AAA:

The General Assembly of the ALBA Alumni Association meets regularly every year on March, in order to discuss and review all activities of the year. Members of the General Assembly are the active members of the Association as well as the honourable members. Active members of the AAA are the registered alumni (50€ registration fee) who have also paid their annual contribution of 30€ for the current year.

The General Assembly approves every year the financial report of the past year and schedules the budget for the following year. In addition the General Assembly approves the report of the Auditing Committee. During the General Assembly only active members of the association have the right to vote, while the honourable members have the right to express their opinion during the decision process. The invitation is published in two daily Athens newspapers, at least thirty (30) days before the meeting of the General Assembly. The invitation mentions clearly the date, time and place of the meeting, as well as the agenda. Moreover, the invitation defines the same piece of information in cases of lack of quorum.

Every two years, the General Assembly proceeds to elections in order to choose its Board of Directors, its Auditing Committee and its Disciplinary Board.

The next General Assembly is scheduled for March 2011, where elections will take place.

The Board of Directors (BoD) of AAA:

The BoD of AAA consists of seven (7) active members of the Association who are elected for two years by the General Assembly of the AAA. Apart from the seven members, the General Assembly elects three (3) alternate members. During its first meeting, the BoD of AAA elects the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and its three members.

The BoD of AAA:

  • Meets regularly at least once per month.
  • Runs a meeting when four (4) at least members are present.
  • Decides on the interests of AAA according to the will of majority.
  • Manages the ALBA Alumni Association and its property.
  • Decides and organizes the forthcoming events
  • Maintains an open-door policy where upon any member of AAA is welcomed to participate, to express his/her views and undertake voluntarily specific approved tasks.

The Auditing Committee:

The Auditing Committee consists of three (3) active members and two (2) alternate members. The work of the Auditing Committee is to control the administration processing of the Board and for this purpose an annual report is conducted and delivered to the General Assembly. The auditing Committee elects its President from its members and runs a meeting when at least two (2) of its members will ask for it. The Auditing Committee will take a decision on a majority basis, whereas in cases of decisions that receive the same number of votes, the vote of the President will define the result.

The Disciplinary Board:

The Disciplinary Board consists of three (3) active members and two (2) alternate members. The work of the Disciplinary Board is to immediately be informed of any ethical violation that occurs during the administration processing of the AAA Board of Management. The Disciplinary Board runs a meeting whenever ethical cases arise and has the authority to impose the following penalties:

  • A written statement of reprimand
  • Deprivation from the right of the member of the AAA from two (2) months till one (1) year
  • Loss of the right to represent the Alba Alumni Association
  • Expulsion from the AAA