Learning for Life “Entrepreneurship: Launching a successful company”


The seminar took place at ALBA facilities on Saturday, October 20, 2007 and it was conducted by Vassilis Theoharakis, Associate Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship & Sarah Drakopoulou-Dodd, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and had the following guest speakers: 

  • Dr. I. Arabatzis (NanoPhos), with NanoChem: his team won the 1st prize in «European Business Plan of the Year Competition 2005»
  • Mr. Lefteris Hatzakis, Viohalko, P-MBA-9 graduate
  • Dr. V. Stefanis, Selonda, Chairman of the BoD and Professor at “Democritus University of Thrace”
  • Mr. Paul Tsouloufris, “Domino’s Pizza” by Anatron Food Services S.A.

Seminar Outline :

This seminar was addressed to entrepreneurs at “practice” or at “heart”, motivated individuals who either run their own company (ies), or wish to make a fresh start.  The purpose of the seminar was to introduce participants to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship, either by putting their own idea into action, or by franchising. The session represented a unique opportunity to acquire a perspective of the notion and dynamics of Franchising, and of best practice in business start up and growth. 
Experienced entrepreneurs and our professors addressed the following subjects:

  • Getting started on your own, research findings and why a business plan is important and how you will make the best of it.
  • Practical guidelines in starting up.
  • Funding new projects/companies.
  • Keep up the good work, reach profitability and growth.
  • Success stories presented by their creators.
  • Introduction to Franchise, both as a start-up and as a growth strategy.
  • Conclusions